Dear Doctor,
Many years ago you were the surgeon who was assigned to perform an abortion on a patient — that person was me. I have thought about you many times throughout the years. There was something about what you said to me at the time that has never left me. Your face was sad when you told me that you were finished with abortions. Mine was the last one and that you could not do it any more.
At the time I was so frozen with guilt, denial and grief, that I could not respond to you. Please hear my heart when I say today how sorry I am that I put you in a position where you committed to do the abortion. I apologize from the depth of my soul. I am forever grateful that you were able to say ‘no’ to continuing in this practice.
My baby is alive in heaven and I can hardly wait till I am reunited with her someday. As I am a forgiven and truly grateful woman, as I stand before Jesus, who is my Forgiver, my Deliverer, my freedom giver, I pray that God has and will continue to bless your life and show you His Immense and Wonderful Love.
From the bottom of my heart — Tilly’s mom (a PR woman from 2006)