Nova Scotians United for Life (NSUL) has been proclaiming the dignity and sanctity of life from conception to natural death, and respect for all, for over 50 years – since 1971. NSUL became a registered charity in 1976 and in 2001, NSUL offered its first Project Rachel support group through the leadership of Margo Burke. This free healing ministry offers ongoing support to groups and individuals, serving vulnerable women and men to change the trajectory of their lives. NSUL offers a wide variety of services, events and activities to foster a culture of life.

What we do:

  • NSUL hosts events such as Unite the Clans, an annual conference which presents dynamic speakers who address important life issues to positively impact a culture of life. Unite the Clans takes place in the fall, typically in October.
  • NSUL supports youth through engagement at the annual Steubenville Atlantic Youth Conference and we support youth with financial barriers to attend. We also support youth groups by providing presentations, talks and resources on a wide variety of life issues to educate youth regarding important faith based morals and values, to inform important life decisions.
  • NSUL hosts activities and pro-life events at various churches such as: Just for Life events, documentary screenings, movie nights and other family events. 
  • NSUL works collaboratively with other pro-life and faith based groups to provide a more unified and impactful voice, fostering growth toward a culture of life.
  • NSUL is a board based organization.

Our Board

NSUL has a board with dynamic board members who are actively engaged in fostering a culture of life in their local communities and beyond. NSUL welcomes new board members, and supports other pro-life organizations. NSUL regularly collaborates and works in conjunction with partnering pro-life organizations in order to maximize the impact of fostering a culture of life.

Sherry Flemming

Sherry Flemming is our current Executive Director who began her role in October 2023. She has an extensive background in social work, including family support work, and has been active in her faith community for decades with previous experience as parish coordinator and youth minister. Among other gifts, Sherry brings a great deal of energy, organizational skills, and vision for the future direction of NSUL, and like Margo, she has exceptional enthusiasm for our Project Rachel ministry.

Margo Burke

After joining Nova Scotians United for Life (NSUL) in 1997 as Executive Director and serving faithfully for 26 years, Margo Burke stepped down as our Executive Director in 2023. However Margo is still active in NSUL’s post abortion healing ministry, known as Project Rachel, which began in the US, within the Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Wisconsin under the leadership of Vicki Thorn. It was under Margo’s leadership that the first Project Rachel support group was offered here in Halifax in 2001. In the last few years our Project Rachel outreach has expanded beyond the borders of the province with participants from as far away as Ontario and the United States receiving healing.