

Coming up: Unite the Clans Conference 2024

  • Date: Saturday Nov. 23, 2024 at 9 AM to 2 PM
  • Location: St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church Dartmouth
  • To register or for more details click here!
  • Our theme is “How then shall we live” from Ezekiel 33:10.

Steubenville Atlantic Youth Conference 2024

NSUL was at Steubenville Atlantic Youth Conference proclaiming the dignity and sanctity of life to roughly 500 youth from the Maritime provinces including some from Ontario. We distributed over 125 Life Canada Comic Books, approximately 250 rosaries (finger rosaries, rosary bracelets and rosaries) with prayer cards, and other pro-life giveaways and brochures to engaged and enthusiastic young people. These interactions led to youth viewing fetal development models and videos which inspired deep and meaning conversations about the dignity and sanctity of life from conception to natural death. These interactions resulted in new understanding about the falsity that there are sometimes exceptions that make abortion warranted.

Deacon Larry Worthen, Executive Director of the Christian and Medical Dental Association (CMDA) speaking at the “What’s Wrong with MAiD?” presentation, which was held on June 13th, 2024 at Divine Mercy Parish.

On behalf of the team at the Christian Medical and Dental Association of Canada (CMDA Canada), NSUL invites your support as we continue our work to keep physicians in Nova Scotia.

Below are a few of the ways in which you can help:

  1. Share/Watch – use this link to access a recording of the presentation held on June 13th at Divine Mercy Parish.
  2. Share/Write – invite others to write to their MLA with this printable version of the letter or invite others to join the online campaign.
  3. Call – Consider reaching out to your MLA to book a meeting to ask for their involvement in policy change. Not sure what to say? Reach out to us for a resource to guide your conversation.
  4. Pray – We need the Lord’s help in seeking policy change in Nova Scotia. Use the CMDA prayer card to invite others to pray about this important issue.

Other NSUL activities include hosting pro-life events at various churches such as: Just for Life events, documentary screenings, movie nights and family events. contact us to set up activities and events

Do you have ideas or initiatives to positively impact a culture of life? NSUL would love to hear from you!  contact us