Whose Voices are you Listening To?


As post-abortion women we have reflected on the voices that played a part in our abortion decision. Some of the voices were those of our parents, relatives and friends. Some comments were actually spoken aloud at the time of our pregnancy. Some were comments we imagined might be made if people found out. And still others came from our own internal voice.

“I have realized that one of the voices I did not listen to was God’s – for God is love and not fear.”

“I was listening to fear — “I don’t have enough money, I can’t do it on my own, how can I pay for daycare?, my health isn’t great, my child will not get all it deserves, I will be incapable of being a good Mom.”

I lacked self-confidence. I was suffering from low self-esteem.

Grace Roberta’s Mom – Her abortion was in 1996.

While I was growing up, I had heard comments at home such as – “an unwed mother, how embarrassing”, “getting pregnant as a single mom can mess up your life”, “how could a young girl be so irresponsible.”

So when I did become pregnant I recalled these remarks and combined them with some of my own negative thoughts — “my parents are going to kill me, they will be so angry and disappointed with me, my boyfriend’s parents will blame me for ruining his life, I’ll never be a good mom, I am only a kid myself, how could you be so stupid, I am scared my boyfriend will leave me, or I will leave him.”

Ashley Victoria’s Mom – Her abortion was in 1989

The voices I remember hearing would comment:
* Single mothers are losers.
* You need to get your education before you have kids.
* You will ruin your life if you have kids when you are young.
* You need to be married to have kids.

Lola’s Mom – Her abortion was in 1992

My mother had become pregnant with my oldest brother and married my father at an early age. Their relationship was very unstable and the whole family suffered from the disease of alcoholism.

As a teenager, I promised myself that I would never marry because of pregnancy. When I did become pregnant as a single woman, I was full of fear and confusion. I was just beginning my career and was convinced that single motherhood would have ended all my chances professionally.

From the moment I knew I was pregnant and for many years afterwards, I suffered with severe depression as a result of my choice.

Christian’s Mom – Her abortion was in 1976