NaPro Technology – Alternative to ART

NaPro Technology® and the Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System [CrMS] are natural procreation technologies that have their origins in the work of Drs. John and Lyn Billings, the Australian physicians who created the Billings Ovulation Method over 50 years ago.”1

“Because the CrMS is based upon biological markers that include not only the cervical mucus, but also the absence and the presence of various types of bleeding, it can be used as a means of monitoring and maintaining reproductive and gynecologic health. Investigation of this has given birth to the new women’s health science of NaProTECHNOLOGY.”2

“After many years of extensive evaluation, these biomarkers have been shown to reveal the presence or absence of certain types of pathologic or physiologic abnormalities. They give the physician and the patient a “handle” on the menstrual cycle and allow for its proper evaluation. It allows one to treat abnormalities of the menstrual cycle in cooperation with its function.”3

1. LifeCanada, Fertility care as nature intended.
2. and 3. Creighton Model, Unleashing the power of a woman’s cycle.