Author of Life

Fr. Simon Lobo and Fr. Alex Colautti are Catholic Priests in the order of the Companions of the Cross. As of the time of the videos below, June 2021, Fr. Simon was Pastor of St. Benedict Parish in Halifax and Fr. Alex Associate Pastor.

Fr. Simon’s homily for the first week of our preaching series ‘Author of Life’.

1. Fr. Simon shares a story of his youth when their family made the difficult decision to put down one of their beloved dogs. Do you have a similar pet story to share?

2. Fr Simon shares that, “God has absolute dominion” and chose to share that with us. He adds, “We are stewards of life, NOT the owners”. What do you see as the difference between being stewards of life and being owners?

3. On March 21, 2021 the government of Canada announced that, with respect to euthenasia and assisted suicide, “Natural death does not have to be reasonably forseeable”. How do you feel about that decision?

4. “For all of us must appear before the judgment seat of Christ…” 2 Corinthians 5:10. Do you believe this event will actually occur for all of us? What do you think the discussion may focus on with Jesus and you at that moment?

5. Have you had the experience of a loved one suffering prior to their death? Did that experience cause you to reflect differently on your position on euthenasia and assisted suicide?

Fr. Alex’s homily for the second week of the parish preaching series ‘Author of Life’.

1. Jesus said, “I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full.” What do you think Jesus meant by these words?

2. Do you fear growing old and losing your utility, autonomy and quality of life? Do you worry about becoming a burden on your loved ones?

3. “So that those who live might no longer live for themselves, but for him who died and was raised from the dead.” 2 Corinthians 5:15. What do these words say about the value of people who are suffering, imobile, considered useless by today’s human standards?

4. “So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new,” 2 Corinthians 5:17 Have you personally experienced a new creation? How are you different?

5. Fr. Alex shares, “We are all called to testify to the world, both in our words and actions, about the love of God and the intrinsic value of every human person”. How do these words challenge us as Chistians to protect every human life, especially the most vulnerable in society?

6. Fr. Alex shared, “We cannot choose medical assistance in dying because it denies the value of human life” How do you feel about these words?

7. Fr. Alex shared the story of Martha Robin, who contracted a serious illness at the age of 16, and was confined to a bed for the next 63 years. He said, “From a human point of view her life wasn’t worth living, yet we don’t monitor the value of human life on any of those things (utility, quality or autonomy) we measure the value of life based on the criterion of the cross and Jesus Christ.” What is Jesus’ message as to how we are expected to respond to Martha in her diminished human condition?

Fr. Simon’s homily for the final week of the parish preaching series ‘Author of Life’.

1. “God did not create death,and He does not delight in the death of the living. For He created all things so that they might exist……..” Wisdom 1:13-14.

2. Fr. Simon shared that there are only 2 places that our immortal souls will go after death…heaven or hell.

3. Fr. Simon spoke of the eternal consequences of using Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID).

4. Fr. Simon shared 5 common MISCONCEPTIONS regarding end of life. They were: – MAID is the same as palliative care – Catholics believe that all suffering is good – We must do everything possible to sustain human life – Hydration and Nutrition are considered extraordinary care – It’s no problem to receive the sacraments before using MAID.

5. Fr. Simon shared a story about Fr. Bob Bedard being in hospital and his caregivers beginning to offer suggestions on withdrawing food and water that would have ended his life in the very near future. This direction was not taken and Fr. Bob went on to live another 33 months blessing many young and future priests in that time including our own Fr Alex.

6. If someone you know and love expresses a desire to utilize MAID, Euthenasia or Assisted Suicide to expedite their death how would you respond to them?

7. The question was asked to Fr. Simon, “If we choose MAID will God still forgive us?” Fr. Simon’s response was, “I don’t know”.