Our Mission
Through education and mutual support, to peacefully proclaim, promote and actively witness to the dignity, sanctity, and respect for all human life from conception to natural death.

Former Executive Director
Nova Scotians United for Life (NSUL) has been proclaiming the dignity and sanctity of life from conception to natural death, and respect for all, since 1971. NSUL became a registered charity in 1976 and in 2001, NSUL offered its first Project Rachel support group through the leadership of Margo Burke. This free healing ministry offers ongoing support to groups and individuals, serving vulnerable women and men to change the trajectory of their lives. NSUL is a board based organization offering a wide variety of services, events and activities to foster a culture of life.
Click here for more information about us.

Executive Director
Our Ministries
Project Rachel
Project Rachel offers free, confidential, non-judgemental services and support to any woman or man seeking Post-Abortion healing. This personalized program is offered to individuals and/or in group settings in-person or virtually. Since 2001, NSUL has continuously offered supportive services through Project Rachel. Over the years, new facilitators and new program elements have been added to enhance participant experience allowing us to facilitate programs simultaneously. As facilitators, we understand that it is the Lord who is in charge of His miraculous healing.
“A voice is heard in Ramah, lamentation and weeping bitterly: it is Rachel weeping for her children, refusing to be comforted for her children, because they are no more. There is hope for your future, says the Lord, and your children shall come back to their country.” (Jer. 31:15,17)
What is Post-Abortion Syndrome?
Read some of the testimonies of women who have found healing through this ministry.
See our Project Rachel Healing Rock Garden – Claiming, Naming and Honouring our precious children
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry – NSUL engages youth on important life topics through youth conferences such as Steubenville Atlantic, and we engage local youth groups to inform them regarding important life decisions. We provide free pro-life educational material and visuals to impart depth of understanding of faith based morals and values, and we provide free pro-life merchandise and giveaways such as fetus feet pins, comics, brochures, etc. NSUL also supports youth groups by providing presentations and talks on a wide variety of life issues to educate youth regarding important faith based morals and values, to prepare them to navigate through real life challenges and struggles applicable to their day-to-day lives. Contact us regarding youth presentations and resources.
“Unite the Clans” is hosted by NSUL annually in the fall with speakers covering a variety of life topics. Presenters are a mix of local, national and international voices from medical professionals, educators, church leaders, and personal witnesses. This conference serves not only to educate those interested in life topics but also as a means for various groups to network.
NSUL at Steubenville Atlantic Youth Conference – see Youth Ministry
Other activities include hosting pro-life events at various churches such as: Just for Life events, documentary screenings, movie nights and other family events.
Do you have ideas or initiatives to positively impact a culture of life? NSUL would love to hear from you!
For more information contact us.
We cover a variety of life topics: Abortion, Adoption and Life Options, MAiD: Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide, End of Life Options, Chastity and STIs, Artificial Reproductive Technology, NaPro Technology – treatment for infertility, and Natural Family Planning vs contraception, Peer Reviewed Evidence for the Abortion-Breast Cancer Link.
[We are in the process of revising this section. Please check back]